Do Good 2021

Do Good: Creating a Culture of Doing Good

Exploring the benefits of an entire community committed to the common good. Think about ways to engage not only your students in this work, but also your parents, faculty, and alumni.  Hear how schools create a culture of doing good that aligns with their mission and sustains an atmosphere of empathy, compassion, and service to others.  A culture of doing good has immense benefits. Join us to explore those benefits as well as the diverse ways schools are creating opportunities to Do Good.

Session 1: Modern Culture Audits for Mission Alignment

Blake Kohn from the National Network of Schools in Partnership 

Shifting culture is a daunting task.  Using an audit tool developed by the National Network of Schools in Partnership, identify tangible ways you can start shifting the culture of your school toward one of “doing good”.


Session 2: Creating Profound Simulations and Immersions

Michael Riemer from Dallas Jesuit

Academic, social justice, cultural immersion, and exchange programs take our students all over the globe. These experiences provide the opportunity for our students to take learning outside of the classroom, serve the poor and marginalized, and understand more fully the diverse cultures of the world. Learn more about these global and local immersion experiences.


Session 3: Harnessing the Power of Whole School Alignment 

Sara Mierke from AnchorED

A whole-school social impact model — and the supports that go with it — aligning curriculum, operations, and resources with local priorities and needs.  AnchorED’s Sara Mierke provides in depth analysis for programs to fulfill their missions and realize a vibrant future for their students and their community.


Session 4: Maximizing Social Impact for College Admission

Stephen Pultz from the University of San Diego

Join a panel of college admission deans to hear why developing students who “Do Good” is important. Sharing key insights critical to your students maximizing their service learning experience in today’s collegiate admissions process. He shares key insights critical to your students maximizing their service learning experience in today’s collegiate admissions process.